A Short Love Story

I have always hated Romance genre, but today I feel like writing a story about something sweet, but hopefully not too cringy. Here I go.. 2014 . I never really understood how love works, and I broke many hearts before. My bad. I really didn't understand how couples can stick together for years. & I didn't even think I could. The thoughts carried on until I got into a new relationship. I still doubted it if I could make it. Plus, we only knew each other through the social media. Been friends for a while over the computer/phone, then we started seeing each other for real (initially as friends?) at Kinokuniya. I thought it was kinda cool, although it sounds so geek. Then, I started to develop feelings. But still, I had doubts on myself. Even more so because I was going to further my study in Australia in a couple of months, it's gonna be a really long distance. Like really really long, with different time zone. I didn't know what pushed me to

Australia : Of Yay and Neh


Started to get busy already. But I'm back!

The title might have given you a clue on what I'm going to share this time. It feels like I'm doing flashbacks with all of my entries, including this one. I'll share the great things happened throughout my 2 years stay in Oz & the nehhh part!

Mountain View

Saya tak pernaaaaah jauh dengan family, the farthest was Shah Alam-Ipoh. Can you imagine how clingy I am. By the way, I went to study in University of Queensland, that's where Brisbane is (tempat lepak). Everyday in Oz, mesti kena call my family, especially my mom. Even up to this day pun I'll still at least whatsapp my mom lah to update my day and ask about hers. We're bestfriends ok! My Oz life was great! I have a really good circle of friends there, and everyone were so supportive. I like it there, but I love Malaysia better 😋

So what I like about Australia is, I've met so many different kinds of people. You'll make new international friends, not just Australians. There was this one time, I went out with my Japanese friend. Masa nak balik, another Japanese guy came up to us and wanted to help us take our pictures...From there, tiba tiba jadi kawan. I even went to Japan and met him. Love that guy (In a friendly term). Senpai. Best ada international friends sebab kita akan lagi tau pasal diorang punya culture yang kita tak pernah tau pun💟.. Example, I went out for a picnic with this Japanese friend of mine (cooked for him nasi lemak), then masa makan, dia makan gelojoh gila..I was like... you can slow down, but he said that's how they show you their appreciation - they want to show you that it taste really good. Japanese culture.. haha. I also made friends with Brunei & Indonesian girls. Bunch of nice people. Cool.

In Brisbane!
In Japan.
He made time for me
eventho he had to catch a flight on the same day😭

Another cool experience I got was, making money! Some of my friends rajin cari duit jadi babysitter or cleaner. I went to babysit like twice, and clean the house few times (Arab family selalu hire Malaysian to do this). But the most interesting part was, I CATSIT! Yes! Babysit cats! And earn money! I posted an ad about my interest to babysit cats, and the next day.. PAP! An email came, a local wanted me to look after her 2 cats for 2 weeks. Dapat $250 = RM700. Can you see how easy it is to make money? Haha. Getting money for doing something you love😍. Best kan.

Next, I am grateful that I get to see the other side of the world. I didn't get to travel as much as my other friends did (sebab asyik balik Malaysia je. But I have 0 regret), but I think it's enough for me kot. Selalunya lepak dekat Brisbane City (best to do shopping), Southbank (desserts!), and few places yang dekat je. Sometimes we'll travel to Gold Coast, it's 2 hours drive from Brisbane. Seronok! Then there's this time masa nak pergi Alpaca farm (one of the most wanted bucketlists, semua sebab Lawak Kampus!)

That booty. Comel betul.

First visit! Dream came true 😍! (Masa ni tak pandai make up)

2nd visit. I will never get enough!

To get there, kena drive up a reallyyyy steeeep hill. Really really steep, sempit, and tak ada divider tau. Kalau jatuh mampus. Haha. So, while driving, ada few wild wallabies (mini kangaroo) passed by our road. Sumpah comel gila. Ada banyak wild kangaroo jugak kat kawasan farm tu. It's wild ok, bukan zoo ke apa. Like we get to see the real wild kangaroo & wallabies. I wanted to pet them but they ran away (& I fell down while trying to chase them. hahaha. embarrassing, nasib takde orang). Besides that, I also got a chance to visit Sydney. Ni serious experience yang paling tak boleh blah. Instead of taking a flight, we took the train. And the train is not as modern as our ETS tau. I feel so grateful sebab Malaysia punya ETS is 100% better than theirs. There's no internet, no charger plugs (LIKE SERIOUSLY), kerusi tak selesaaaaa, toilet tak berapa bersih. It took like 14 hours to reach Sydney from Queensland. Nak patah tulang duduk dalam tu. But once I reached Sydney, dah tak ingat dah rasa sakit. Heheh. Masa dekat Sydney, Wak Doyok pun ada sana (I know through his IG). Saja je comment ajak dia lepak & he replied this 😹.

I wish to write more about the places, but cannot cause too many! I also loooove Australia because of the people. Most of them are really nice and friendly people. Masuk kedai mahal, takde pulak yang judgemental, ikut je dari belakang macam kat Malaysia ni. Malaysians yang kerja kat kedai mahal kan acah macam tu kedai dia. But Australians are different! They treat you nicely, give suggestions and so warm. Rasa macam tak boleh la kalau tak beli, rasa bersalah (Maybe tu tactic diorg idk. Heheh). Kalau terserempak with the locals masa nak jalan pergi uni, most of them will say hi to you. The elders especially. Nice people. Tapiii.... dalam banyak banyak orang yang baik pun, mesti ada yang tak baik jugak. So here comes the nehh part.

There's this period of Islamophobia that happened there. Some nasty locals will make fun of the muslims, especially those with tudung (I experienced this sampai dah tak kisah and dah biasa). They will direct bad words at you, show their middle finger, shout at you😔. Ada sekali ni, I went out with my friend (both of us wear tudung), we got into a bus with drunk guys in it. Masa kitorang masuk, dia dah start dah kasi salam macam main main. Then tried to make jokes, but I just smiled at them and buat taktau jela. Mabuk teruk. But they didn't try to harm us la. If you happen to face this situation, just be brave, try to look busy, or talk to your friend, avoid eye contact with these people, sit farther away from them. Although the Islamophobia was quite bad, there are still many who supports us too💪. Banyak je campaign to stop this issue. Glad there are still people who want to protect the innocents. 

Another thing I don't like about living there is because of the season. Orang lain suka winter, but me, not so much. I cannot stand the cold. Everytime it's winter, I need to wear like 4 layers of clothes. Benci gila lepastu kena basuh banyak gila baju. I just cannot. Haha. And yes, the food! It's so hard to get Malaysian food, yang ada pun Papparich but they didn't taste like Malaysian food sangat pun😣. That's why I always got homesick, I need Malaysian fooooood! Talking about food, the expenses is really high la kalau nak makan kat luar. Sekali sekala boleh la. One meal would cost you at least RM30, tu paling murah kot. The good thing is, you'll get better at cooking lah. I almost join Masterchef ok (berangan la). 

I hope you guys had a good read! Thank you for reading. I will add more in another part when I got time, but this is it for this entry! Thank guys, have a good week!🌻
Flying cat


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