
Showing posts from 2017

A Short Love Story

I have always hated Romance genre, but today I feel like writing a story about something sweet, but hopefully not too cringy. Here I go.. 2014 . I never really understood how love works, and I broke many hearts before. My bad. I really didn't understand how couples can stick together for years. & I didn't even think I could. The thoughts carried on until I got into a new relationship. I still doubted it if I could make it. Plus, we only knew each other through the social media. Been friends for a while over the computer/phone, then we started seeing each other for real (initially as friends?) at Kinokuniya. I thought it was kinda cool, although it sounds so geek. Then, I started to develop feelings. But still, I had doubts on myself. Even more so because I was going to further my study in Australia in a couple of months, it's gonna be a really long distance. Like really really long, with different time zone. I didn't know what pushed me to

Adulthood : ABA Therapist as my very first job (phew!)

Hi! It's been a long time since I posted an entry. Busy gila! Tapi sekarang dah free! Because it's TERM BREAK (my company has this term break where we take a week of break every 4 months)! Wohoo. Since the beginning of my working life, ramai orang tanya what do I do as an ABA Therapist, why I chose this field, & most frequently: TAK CHALLENGING KE??? - working with special needs kids. So here I go!๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ผ First & foremostly, lemme tell you what ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) is in general: behavioural principle (we mostly use positive reinforcements) to increase a certain wanted behaviour. Contohnya, kalau kita nak budak tu rajin belajar, kita reward dia everytime dia belajar. Everytime we reward the behaviour, the behaviour will increase, in sya Allah. So basically, my work is to 'teach' kids with autism a certain skill sets according to their priorities. 1 therapist will have their own kid, at least 2 kids per therapist (I have 3 lovely kids), and the

Australia : Of Yay and Neh

Hi! Started to get busy already. But I'm back! The title might have given you a clue on what I'm going to share this time. It feels like I'm doing flashbacks with all of my entries, including this one. I'll share the great things happened throughout my 2 years stay in Oz & the nehhh part! Saya tak pernaaaaah jauh dengan family, the farthest was Shah Alam-Ipoh. Can you imagine how clingy I am. By the way, I went to study in University of Queensland, that's where Brisbane is (tempat lepak). Everyday in Oz, mesti kena call my family, especially my mom. Even up to this day pun I'll still at least whatsapp my mom lah to update my day and ask about hers. We're bestfriends ok! My Oz life was great! I have a really good circle of friends there, and everyone were so supportive. I like it there, but I love Malaysia better ๐Ÿ˜‹ So what I like about Australia is, I've met so many different kinds of people. You'll make new international friends, no

Psychology Nerdie!

Hello! In this post, saya nak share more on the course that I have studied -  PSYCHOLOGY! Best. Course. Ever๐Ÿ’–. This course is not as mainstream as other courses macam Finance, Medics, Engineering etc. Am not sure if it's already a mainstream thing but, masa dulu saya ambil course ni, tak ramai yang tau. But I did receive some questions regarding this course, quite a number of people told me yang diorang berminat tapi taktau & tak berapa terdedah pasal course ni. So I'll share more about it takat mana yang saya tau. Let me tell you one thing: Studying Psychology has really changed my life. Nanti saya cerita ok!  I'll tell you the requirement to study this course first & the process along the way before I finally got to study Psychology as my degree. *If you're not interested to know the process etc, you can skip this paragraph* Tapi saya share ni based on my experience dulu dengan MARA tau. I'm not sure with the general requirements thoug

Dreams do come true

Hi. To those yang tak kenal siapa saya, my name is Amirah. Orang panggil Mira, Mira Haz, Amirah, Hazwani(???) - arranged according to formality. I grew up in a family yang tak senang, tak susah. Medium la kiranya. When I was still in school, both of my parents work to support the family (tapi sekarang my mom is 100% suri rumah & I like it that way). My parents. They are not those kind of parents yang ada title, duit berkepuk, speaking kat rumah macam mat saleh, every year travel overseas. Nope. Masa budak budak dulu, travel overseas tu hanya lah angan angan je. Tak mampu or maybe takde rezeki lagi. Before I move on further, I just want to dedicate a few sentences to my parents. My parents are such amazing souls that Allah has lent me. Alhamdulillah, walaupun my parents tak dapat bagi kemewahan, but I am so thankful for the relationship I have with them. I like this quote "ada benda yang orang ada tapi kita tak ada, ada benda yang kita ada tapi orang tak ada". Some